playlist extrablau 28.05.2007/2000-2100cet/radio blau, leipzig

1. the broken family band- leaps- hello love- track&field
2. the experimental pop band- tinsel stare- can you explain this- triumphant
3. menomenia- my my - promo- city slang
4. seabear- i sing i swim- music for hairy scary monsters- morr

5. von südenfed- fledermaus cant get it- tromatic reflexxions- domino
6. von südenfed- family feud- tromatic reflexxions- domino
7. von südenfed- flooded- tromatic reflexxions- domino
8. von südenfed- dearest friend- tromatic reflexxions- domino
(Interview Jan St. Werner /Andi Toma ///VonSüdenfed/MouseOnMars)

9. la chango family- Otro Mundo (Do, 31.05. naTo Leipzig)
10. 65 days of static- massive star at the end of its burning cycle (Sa, 02.06. conne island, Leipzig)

11. die art- i love you- fear- deutsche schallplatten gmbh
